Go Green with eRenewal Notice

go greenQBE’s commitment to protect our environment, starting from 30 September 2020, we will move to paperless eRenewal Notice and no longer provide Renewal Notice in print via mail thereafter. 

We listen to your needs and facilitate eRenewal Notices. You can obtain eRenewal Notice easily from Qnect anytime, anywhere. Digital storage and rest assured of no more missing document and lost mail as we go online.

Go green makes the environment around you, paper-free. Trust you would give your full support to this green initiative, to us, and to our environment.

Support Available

You will receive an email with a list of upcoming renewals to assist you to manage your renewal portfolio and process with ease. As part of our commitment to enhance your Qnect experience, Renewal Dashboard will also be introduced in this year Q3.

Any Concerns?

If you have any concerns with regards to the eRenewal Notice facility, please feel free to contact your indicated Agency Manager.


More reasons to go green with eRenewal Notice


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