
Qnect | Agency Portal  |   9 Mar 2020

Today, QBE Hong Kong is pleased to announce the launch of Digital Motor Claims. This follows the successful launch of our award-winning Digital Travel and Domestic Helper Claims as we continue our steadfast commitment to enhancing the customer experience through digital innovation.motor claim

The Digital Motor Claims service will provide a simpler and faster claims experience. Starting today, customers are able to submit a motor claim on any device, anytime, anywhere at

We have attached a communications pack for you:

  • Digital Flyer (English and Chinese) introducing the features and benefits of the service
  • Frequently-asked-questions (FAQs) (English and Chinese) to help you address customer enquiries
  • Instructional video (English and Chinese) to guide customers through the process

Please share the communications pack with your colleagues and communicate with your customers that these benefits will be available from 9 March 2020.

We strive to commit enhancing our customer claims experience through our digital platform:

  • Accessible 24/7, from anywhere, on any device starting from 9 March 2020
  • Centralise all claim registration, claim procedures, vehicle repairing, claim status tracking, adjuster appointing in one platform
  • End to end comprehensive claim service with easy and transparent access to our Motor Panel repairing services
  • An eco-friendly and reliable claim platform which minimises the chance of lost documents
  • Instant visibility of claim status
  • Fast validation and payments

We have also designed a comprehensive communication and support plan.

  • To issue a policy schedule and/or email with digital claims information to your customers when a policy is sold
  • Updated our website and digital tools with the Digital Claims platform
  • Created a short instructional video to guide the customers
  • Conducted trainings for our customer service centre and prepared FAQs to answer any questions that your customers may have




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