QBE Ventures
Australia & New Zealand
Middle East
Pacific Islands
Pacific Islands ( EN | FR )
Fiji ( EN | FR )
French Polynesia ( EN | FR )
New Caledonia ( EN | FR )
Solomon Islands ( EN | FR )
Group Conflicts of Interest Policy Summary
QBE requires all QBE employees to promptly disclose and report any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest to ensure they are managed appropriately.
QBE’s Group Conflicts of Interest Policy (“Policy”) sets the expectations and responsibilities for QBE employees, officers, and directors in reporting conflicts of interests. The Policy supports the QBE Group Code of Ethics and Conduct and should be read in conjunction with the Group Whistleblowing Policy, Group Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Group Gifts and Entertainment Policy and any relevant local QBE policies.
Under the Policy, a ‘conflict of interest’ arises at QBE where either: (a) an employee has a personal, financial or other interest that is contrary with the interests of QBE or its customers; or (b) QBE has a financial or other interest that conflicts with the interests of its customers.
All QBE employees are also required to complete any mandatory training and conflict of interest declarations.