Last updated: January 2024

Solomon Islands is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. It’s exposed to frequent climate hazards, with limited resources to manage the impacts.  

With QBE’s support, Save the Children was able to undertake the required first phase design work that was critical in securing scaled investment of USD $31.8M from the Green Climate Fund to implement its proposed ‘Solomon Islands – Community Climate Resilience Initiative’. 

The Green Climate Fund is the world’s largest dedicated fund helping climate-vulnerable countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing their ability to respond to the impacts of climate change. It was established under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change with countries around the world investing in the Fund, including Australia, US, UK and Canadian governments. 

Unlike other investment bodies, the Green Climate Fund can invest in climate change adaption strategies at the community level at significant scale. Without investments from the Fund, many of the world’s most at risk populations in the most climate-vulnerable countries and small island states will not be prepared for the current and future effects of climate change. 

The funding secured from the Green Climate Fund will enable Save the Children to deliver its Solomon Islands Community Climate Resilience Initiative, reaching around 25% of the population, with the aim of helping communities increase their resilience and capacity to adapt.  

QBE provided co-funding to support the six-month design phase, enabling Save the Children to:  

1. Undertake substantive community consultations to ensure the project’s anticipated outcomes are in line with community expectations  

2. Develop the full design and implementation framework required by the Green Climate Fund including:  

  • Feasibility Study  
  • Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis  
  • Environment and Social Safeguards Analysis  
  • Economic and financial analysis  

3. Work with the Green Climate Fund to secure investment flows for the project 

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Together, QBE, Save the Children and Red Cross are working with communities globally to build their resilience and save lives by improving their capacity to prepare, anticipate, respond and recover from disasters.