Personal Insurance



Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Domestic Helper

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status



Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

Report immediately to the police any incident relating to malicious damage, burglary, robbery, or theft and lodge your claim with a copy of police report. 

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Personal Accident

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Private Motor

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Personal Health

Download the claim form, complete and send it back to us with your supporting documents.

Health Protector and Health Protector Plus – Hospitalisation & Surgical Claim Form 

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status



Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

eClaims Submission

Frequently Asked Questions 

Claim Status

Business Insurance


Group Travel

Lodge your claim online with your supporting documents. Easy and Quick.

Loss item claims, report to the police at the place of loss within 24 hours and immediately obtain a loss report.

Liability claims, do not admit liability, and refer all correspondence to our Claims Services team for handling.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Commercial Motor

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Commercial Property

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

Report immediately to the police any incident relating to malicious damage, burglary, robbery, or theft and lodge your claim with a copy of police report. 

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Employees’ Compensation

Lodge your claim online with your supporting document and a copy of the completed Notice of Accident* Form 2 or Form 2A or Form 2B

Make a report to the police for a traffic accident, robbery, or any case involving criminal acts and upload a copy of policy report.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status

*Notify the Labour Department within 14 days (in case of injury) or 7 days (in case of death) after the accident comes to knowledge.


Personal Accident

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick. 

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status

Man holding a umbrella

General Liability

Lodge your claim online. Easy and Quick.

Do not admit liability and refer all correspondence to our Claims Services team for handling. 

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Group Health

Download the claim form, complete and send back to us with your supporting documents.

Group Medical Insurance – Outpatient Claim Form 

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


Professional Liability

Contact your insurance broker or agent, or our Claims Services team to discuss your case and lodge a professional liability claim.

eClaim Submission

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Status


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