Insurance Business Transfer

Transfer of the insurance business of QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited (“QGI”) to QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited (“HKSI”)

Important Information

This website provides information about the proposed transfer of the whole of the general insurance business classes 1 to 16 carried on by QGI in or from Hong Kong on or before 11:59 p.m. on 24 June 2024 (Hong Kong time) to HKSI, both of which are QBE insurance group of companies, through an insurance business transfer scheme pursuant to Section 25D of the Insurance Ordinance (CAP.41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Transfer”). Both QGI and HKSI are companies incorporated in Hong Kong and authorised by the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong (“Insurance Authority”) to carry on the relevant classes of insurance business in or from Hong Kong.

Subject to the approval by the Insurance Authority, it is proposed that the Transfer shall take effect as of 00:01 a.m. on 1 October 2024 (Hong Kong time), or such other date as QGI and HKSI may agree in writing and the Insurance Authority may allow (“Effective Date”).

Please check-in on this page as it may be updated from time to time to reflect key milestones met in relation to this Transfer, as well as displaying supporting documents to the Transfer for your reference.


The transferred portfolio comprises the whole of the general insurance policies* underwritten by QGI, including any endorsements or amendments thereto, under which there is still potential liability for claims.

*General insurance policies includes : Class 1 (Accident), Class 2 (Sickness), Class 3 (Land Vehicles), Class 4 (Railway Rolling Stock); Class 5 (Aircraft); Class 6 (Ships), Class 7 (Goods in Transit); Class 8 (Fire and Natural Forces); Class 9 (Damage to Property); Class 10 (Motor Vehicle Liability); Class 11 (Aircraft Liability); Class 12 (Liability For Ships); Class 13 (General Liability); Class 14 (Credit); Class 15 (Suretyship) and Class 16 (Miscellaneous Financial Loss).

Before the Transfer can proceed under Section 25D of the Insurance Ordinance (CAP.41 of the Laws of Hong Kong), it requires the approval of the Insurance Authority. When the Insurance Authority approves the Transfer, the proposed Transfer will transfer the rights and obligations under the transferring policies from QGI to HKSI. The Transfer will become effective on the Effective Date.
Submit a claim

If you wish to make a claim under a QGI policy, please submit the claim here. After the Transfer your claim under a QGI policy can still be submitted to HKSI.

Existing claim

All claims under the transferred policies, which are currently being dealt with by QGI will be handled by HKSI or its representative. If you have an existing claim, it will continue to be dealt with by QGI until the Effective Date. You will not need to take any action, such as by submitting new claim forms to HKSI, as we will arrange the proposed Transfer. The proposed Transfer does not impact your relationships with your insurance intermediary (which may include Hang Seng Bank as agent). If you have a claim that is being dealt with by QGI at the Effective Date, we will write to you with HKSI’s contact details.
Updates will be posted under this section of the webpage to confirm key milestones. Please check again for information on these milestones.

Refer to the below documents for more information:

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 852 2253 3567
  • Fax: 852 3009 2424
  • Correspondence address:  QBE Transfer, 33/F Oxford House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, H.K.
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