Review of NT Workers Compensation claim decision

QBE provides an Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) process to review decisions made on workers’ compensation claims in the Northern Territory.

The IDR process is optional for injured workers and is free.

The types of matters that can be reviewed through the IDR process include:

  • Disputes of liability for compensation
  • Cancellation or reduction of compensation
  • Decisions relating to treatment or other entitlements.

The review will be carried out by a person who is independent from the original decision-making process. The IDR reviewer will consider any information (and documentation) that is already present on the claim file and may make further queries with yourself or your employer to request any further information that they believe may be relevant. The decision will be reviewed within five working days of QBE receiving your request for IDR. Some matters may be more complex, in those circumstances QBE will write to you outlining the timeframe that may be required (where it is greater than the five days).

If you wish to submit an application for internal dispute resolution, please send your written request to [email protected] outlining in the subject line, or body of the email, that this is a request for review under the IDR process. If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal review, you may apply to NT WorkSafe to have the dispute referred to mediation