26 Sep 2024
How to avoid water damage at home

How to avoid water damage at home

  • More than 1 in 3 Aussies have experienced water damage in their homes* – that’s thousands of homes every year.
  • It can cause thousands of dollars in damage, displace families, and destroy sentimental items.
  • Understanding warning signs, and taking preventative measures and home maintenance can help keep your home safe.

QBE research undertaken in August 2024 shows that 1 in 2 Australians have had water damage in their homes or know someone who has*. It’s one of the most common reasons to claim on home insurance.

The good news is many of these incidents can be avoided with preventative measures, says Arron Mann, General Manager, Short Tail Claims at QBE.

"Many people probably don't know that this water damage, and the stress and cost that comes with it, is often avoidable.”

What is water damage costing Aussies?

Water damage can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage.

Hole in and mould on ceiling caused by water leak"Insurance can cover the cost of repairs for insured events, but even if you have cover, the emotional cost of an incident can be significant.

"Wear and tear, such as a leaking pipe that can become a more significant problem over time, may not be covered by your home insurance. So, maintaining your home – along with other protection measures are worth considering."

Is spending more time at home increasing our risk?

Many might assume water damage occurs more often when no one is home, but the reality may surprise you, says Mann.

Of the 38% of respondents who said they’d experienced water damage, 79% said they were at home at the time*.

"When we're at home more, we're using our plumbing more. The dishwasher is running, we're using sinks, the washing machine is on. There's more general wear and tear on our plumbing.

"Often the real difference between minor and severe damage can be in how quickly a householder responds. But householders may not know what to do when something goes wrong."

Our research confirms this. Even though 50% of respondents said their first reaction to water damage would be to turn off the water main, 1 in 5 Australians don’t know where it is, and alarmingly, 19% don’t know how to turn it off*.

What's going wrong – and where?

Burst or blocked pipes account for 34% of water damage, while damage to flexi hoses (5%), damaged roofs (20%) and old or worn-out plumbing (7%) are also behind incidents, according to Aussies who have had issues*.

Plumber fixing a burst water pipe in the wallOverflowing baths, sinks and showers were responsible for 10% of water damage incidents, while clogged drains accounted for a further 9%*.

So, it's no surprise most incidents occur in the bathroom or kitchen, says Mann. "In many homes, these rooms haven't been renovated for years, so plumbing and water protection safeguards are compromised by age.

"Bathrooms and kitchens are both rooms you tend to leave alone unless you're doing a full renovation, but over time pipes can degrade and burst, and other wear and tear can occur."

The research shows 31% of Aussies haven’t updated their bathroom in over ten years, while 21% don't know when it was last renovated*.

It's a similar story in the kitchen, with 34% last updating ten or more years ago, and 22% unaware when their kitchen last had major work done*.

What can you do to protect your home?

Aussies can protect their homes and lower their risk by taking precautions, understanding tell-tale water damage warning signs and doing regular home maintenance, explains Mann.

Step 1: Take simple precautions

Ensuring you've got the basics covered can go a long way in preventing water damage.

"Little things can cause big problems. Simple precautions can save you complex and costly issues," says Mann.

Make sure drains aren't obstructed
Ensure things like bathmats or furniture don't obstruct drains. Obstructed drains can quickly turn a non-event into a major one.

Close up showing gloved hands unclogging a drain under a sinkKeep sinks draining
Pipes can easily get clogged up over time by food, grease, hair and other things that find their way down a plug hole. Running hot water after each use can help prevent issues. Consider fixing a strainer onto a plug hole to avoid things getting into the pipes.

Don't leave appliances running unattended
The thought of coming home or finishing work to sparkling dishes or washed clothes is always appealing, but if a leak springs from an appliance when you're not in there to respond, it can spell disaster.

Know where your water main is and how to turn it off
Turning off the water main can save you from a disaster, so familiarising yourself with it is vital. If you're in a house, you can usually find it at the front boundary adjacent to the street.

If you're in an apartment, check wet areas – the bathroom, laundry, or kitchen and look for a lone tap that should turn off the water to your apartment. And remember to turn the main off if you're going away.

Related article: Why it pays to turn the water off before going away

Step 2: Look for signs of damage

Wear and tear damage is part of life, and things naturally deteriorate over time, but it can also be a sign of water damage – and leave you more vulnerable to it.

The research indicates 27% of Australians don't know what home maintenance tasks can prevent water damage. Meanwhile, 30% don't do any maintenance because it's too expensive, and 11% say they don't have time*.

Spotting signs and risks early means you can take action before major problems arise, which can save you time and money in the long term, explains Mann.

"While you may need a professional for specialist maintenance, there are plenty of things you can do yourself that could prevent something more serious happening."

Check out the grout
Grout and sealant prevent water from getting into places it shouldn't. Even if a small portion is damaged or missing, it can open the floodgates. But tiles and grout can deteriorate with age, and over 25% of Australians don't know when their bathroom tiles were last grouted, while 26% said their bathroom was grouted more than ten years ago*.

Close-up of loofah and body brush hanging on tiled wall in home bathroomSo, check tiles for worn or missing grouting, and look around wet areas for any signs of sealant damage.

Pay close attention to flexi hoses
Could you recognise a flexi hose in a line-up? If you answered no, you’re not alone. Almost half of Australians (48%) aren’t familiar with flexi hoses*.

Of those that do know about flexi hoses, 31% have never checked them, 25% have never replaced one, and 73% don’t know the signs of a deteriorating flexi hose*.

These little hoses – which typically connect your wall water outlet to sinks, dishwashers, toilets and washing machines – can burst and cause serious damage. Check every couple of months for moisture on the hose, expiry dates and signs of protruding wires.

Look for other tell-tale signs
Warped walls can also point to a leaking pipe, as can damp patches on floors, walls and ceilings. Check your hot water units for any overflow – as this could signal the system is not working correctly. Look for movement in paths and driveways, which could also indicate a leaking pipe.

Related article: A simple way to to protect your home from water damage

Step 3: Schedule a home health check

While a lot of maintenance can be simple, other tasks need an expert's touch. It's smart to get professionals at least once a year, recommends Mann. "They'll see things you simply can't."

Female plumber inspecting drain pipeKitchens and bathrooms should be at the top of the list.

"The older the kitchen or bathroom, the more chance there is of something going wrong. Paying for a plumber to come round and check everything may seem an unnecessary cost. But compared to the expense of a whole new bathroom or kitchen – the bill for an hour or two of a plumber's time may be worth considering."

"Scheduling an annual home health check is a smart investment." Here's what it should include, says Mann.

Water pressure
A plumber can check your water pressure – and if it’s low, it could signal there's a leak somewhere in the property.

Plumbing, fittings, and appliances
Checking things including flexi hoses, pipes, plumbed appliances, cisterns and tap fittings is essential – minor repairs can save you significantly later.

Roof examination
It's also smart to get a handyperson up on your roof to check for any damage to the tiles or your tin roof. Some damage can be repaired on the spot.

What if something goes wrong?

Despite preparation efforts, unforeseeable events happen. According to Mann, a fast response and insurance coverage can make a world of difference if you experience water damage.

"Make sure everyone is safe, turn off the water at the mains to prevent further damage, and contact a plumber and your insurance company as soon as possible.

"Insurance can provide financial protection against water damage, and cover for temporary accommodation if a home is left unliveable.

"It's a good idea for policyholders to check they have adequate home and contents cover, and that their sum insured is up to date.”

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* Polling study of 1,004 Australians, aged 18-65+, completed for QBE Insurance Australia in August 2024.

To decide if the product is right for you, please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the Target Market Determination (TMD).

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