QBE Insurance Group Limited (including all its subsidiaries and controlled entities) is subject to legislation on modern slavery. As outlined in the QBE Group Code of Ethics and Conduct, QBE is committed to, and promotes adherence to, internationally recognised human rights standards to provide dignity and equality for all our employees, customers, communities and suppliers.
We are guided by internationally recognised human rights standards, including the International Bill of Human Rights, United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s eight fundamental Conventions.
We take active measures to prevent our involvement in human rights harm through our supply chain relationships and reject any form of slavery including forced or child labour.
QBE’s Modern Slavery Risk and Compliance Standard (“Standard”) operationalises regulatory requirements as outlined by applicable Modern Slavery legislation in Australia and the United Kingdom.
The Standard sets out how to manage the risk of modern slavery through risk identification, mitigation, monitoring and reporting. The Standard applies across all subsidiaries and controlled entities of the QBE Insurance Group Ltd, and to all QBE suppliers where we have a written contract in place. The standard received Group Board approval in 2021.
All QBE employees (including contractors and authorised representatives of QBE controlled entities) are expected to report any instances or suspected instances of modern slavery to their direct manager, Compliance team or via the QBE Ethics Hotline.
In addition, where appropriate, QBE undertakes an enhanced modern slavery risk assessment as part of its due diligence procedures for suppliers and provides employees with training to detect, identify and deter forms or indications of modern slavery.
QBE’s Group Human Rights Policy provides an overview of the guiding principles we adopt in relation to managing human rights across our business.