In Western Australia, we provide Workers Compensation insurance and set the premiums.
Get cover
- Complete an online quotation via c.change
- If you’re unable to use c.change, complete an Insurance Proposal and email it to [email protected]
- We’ll give you a quote
- Once you’ve accepted our quote, we’ll issue the policy
Ensure your quote request is complete
Help ensure your quote moves forward as quickly as possible. Find out more about the minimum information we require for Workers Compensation.
Switch to QBE
- Inform your client’s current insurer if they wish to lapse their policy before it expires, otherwise they’ll be legally obliged to renew it
- Complete an online quotation via c.change
- If you’re unable to use c.change, complete a QBE Insurance Proposal and email it to [email protected]
Certificate of currency
Once the policy is issued, we’ll issue a certificate of currency. For a copy of a previously issued certificate, download it from c.change or email [email protected]
Making a claim
Please refer to our claims information page to find out what you need to do in the event of a claim.
Downloads for this product
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