We’ve partnered with Monash University to introduce advanced behavioural insight techniques into our claims handling process.

Our in-house behavioural insights team is comprised of professionals that bring psychology and sociology expertise. The team are dedicated to understanding how positively influencing human behaviour can support the recovery process.

By leveraging behavioural economics, psychology and sociology in our communications and recovery approaches, we’re creating improved claims experiences and outcomes for our broker partners, customers and their people.

You can read more about our approach to Behavioural Insights and how it drives genuine customer empathy in our 2020 Behavioural Insights report.

Key results1:

  • 63% of people pre-approved for psychosocial support
  • 35% increase in the proportion of GP-completed medical reports returned and 47% faster turnaround in the time taken to return those reports to the QBE claims team
  • 14.6% reduction in QBE’s average wage spend at 12 weeks suggests a faster return to work.


Download our 2020 Behavioural Insights report

1 Figures current as at August 2020

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